This section contains small components like type, shift, holidays etc. The company will responsible for these component settings and all branches will inherit those who are under the company.
Employee Types: This will use in employment information to determine the employee type whether he is permanent or contactual or intern. Important: Allow company other facilities, if you set yes all employee under this type will get company all facilities give for employees.
Holidays: Holidays will show the calendar in the employee dashboard and also count when salary is generated.
Working Shift: Most important for Employee attendance, late, and overtime calculation. so make sure to create shifts and assign them to the employee.
Leave Types: Make sure to create and create a leave policy by using leave types and assigning them to employees.
Tax: Tax will calculate as milestones. so create milestones if need and apply the text. also, enable from Admin settings. the system will check tax milestones automatically when salary is generated.