Company settings: it will apply to all staff of the company.
Attendance: attendance system can take in both via zkteco device or manual. if you have a device select IP Based it will open up a few more options. insert IP and update setting. now you will get an option to test your device connection if success enables the device. next step is to add cronjob to your server.
server : * * * * * cd /path-to-your-project && php artisan schedule:run >> /dev/null 2>&1
Local : php artisan schedule:work
This will run two command one for taking punch time from device other is to create attendance from punch.
Note: this device will work only for company employees.
Note: zkteco device needs static IP if needed to connect from the remote server.
Note: All settings here apply to all employees belonging to the company including the branches.
Has Attendance Deduction policy: If deduction policy enabled, need to create deduction policy from Attendance deduction policy under Organization module. the system will deduct from employee salary according to policy by calculating absent and late hours.
Has Allowances: This will decide all employees under the company get company allowances or not. the company can set up allowances from salary rules under payroll. Not: you can use without allowances and salary rules are absolutely fine just define basic salary of the individual employee.
Allow Holiday Work as Overtime: This will enable employees to work on holidays and will count as overtime. Not: can set up holiday from holidays under component settings.
Allow Employee Login: This will open the option to create employee login credentials when creating an employee.
Allow Overtime: This will allow all employees to work overtime. also, you can control individual employee overtime and overtime rate.
Has Provision Period: Enable this setting will open up the provision period option in employee information. company or branch can decide may need to put an individual employee on the provision period or not.