Assumed that you’ve configured the server as required and are ready to install Inta-Hrm.
Here you need to set all the important but sensitive configurations. Check the example.env
file below. Right now you don’t have to fill in all the values just fill in these values for now:
: Your brand name.APP_URL
: Your marketplace URL.- APP_LICENSE=purchase key
- APP_EMAIL=purchase email
: The name of the database you’ve created to install the application.DB_USERNAME
: The database username. Don’t confuse this with your server username, database username is different.DB_PASSWORD
: The password to access the database.
If you like to start with some data instantly import “with_demo_data.sql” or else import “without_demo.sql” from the database folder.
The next step is to configure the mail server so that system can send emails. The system will not work properly without a working mail server. Check the email configuration section for configuring email.
example .env file:
APP_NAME=inta-hrm APP_ENV=production APP_KEY=base64:mKvA4f9egaL9QtHGJ6S6C4EJHKLuothDECFsEhUZqDw= APP_URL= APP_LICENSE=purchase key APP_EMAIL=purchase email APP_DEBUG=true DEBUGBAR_ENABLED=false APP_LOG=daily LOG_CHANNEL=daily LOG_LEVEL=debug FILESYSTEM_DRIVER=public ASSET_URL=https://yourdomain/public MIX_ASSET_URL=https://yourdomain/public DB_CONNECTION=mysql DB_HOST= DB_PORT=3306 DB_DATABASE=home_office DB_USERNAME=root DB_PASSWORD= BROADCAST_DRIVER=pusher QUEUE_CONNECTION=sync SESSION_DRIVER=file SESSION_LIFETIME=120 #customSetup #if you want to use cache you need to configure cache drive, #though system will use some cache temporaryli. USE_CACHE=fasle CACHE_DRIVER=array REDIS_HOST= REDIS_PASSWORD=null REDIS_PORT=6379 #Mail_Setup MAIL_DRIVER=log MAIL_PORT=465 MAIL_PASSWORD=secrete MAIL_ENCRYPTION=ssl MAIL_FROM_ADDRESS=null #Mail REPLAY OPTIONS MAIL_FROM_NAME="${APP_NAME}" MAIL_REPLY_TO_NAME=No-Reply AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID= AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY= AWS_DEFAULT_REGION=us-east-1 AWS_BUCKET= PUSHER_API_KEY=your pusher api key PUSHER_APP_ID=pusher app id PUSHER_APP_KEY=pusher app key PUSHER_APP_SECRET=pusher secret PUSHER_APP_CLUSTER=pusher cluster MIX_PUSHER_APP_KEY="${PUSHER_APP_KEY}" MIX_PUSHER_APP_CLUSTER="${PUSHER_APP_CLUSTER}"